Willow, 9yo Patterdale

Willow was rehomed by PADS in 2018, she arrived as a stray and the owner did not want her back. Sadly for Willow her adopted Dad, Jim, passed away suddenly in June. Family members have been trying to manage Willow but her determination to escape their home and garden became too much to manage and so she was reluctantly returned to PADS.

Willow is like many Patterdales we see in that she is high energy, age is only a number to Willow and she bombs about at full speed everywhere she goes. She needs engagement and if left alone will look for opportunities to escape to find her own adventures. She walks ok on her lead and harness but is constantly scanning the verges for anything that moves!

She lived with another large male breed dog until his death earlier this year but she can be a bit of a bully so if she were to move in with another dog they’d need to be the Yang to her Yin. Willow will not suited to homes with cats or other furries and she finds small children a bit too exciting so kids should really be 10+ (and definitely passed the squealing stage). 

If you’re interested in learning more please contact us, you will be required to fill in an adoption application form before visiting the kennels. Applications will close once we find a suitable applicant.

If you would like to register your interest in adopting a PADS dog please complete an adoption application. You can complete online here or download, complete and return the adoption application form by email or post to:

Adoption Applications, PADS, Forteviot Kennels, Forteviot, Perth, PH2 9BS

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